Friday, March 23, 2007


For me, this is the epitome of the wisdom found in that old saying, "don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today."

I usually try to match my socks after each load of laundry so there are fewer to deal with. But sometimes I'm in a rush - I need to get them out of the way and I don't have time to put them together. That's a bad idea.

Today, I used my last matched pair of black socks. And was faced - taunted, even - by about 3000 individual black socks sitting in my drawer. Of those 1500 possible pairs, I have about 1480 different styles. These styles share about 99.98% of their sock DNA in common. Generally thin, with very few distinguishing features... there's one pair with pinstripes, a couple with a distinctive band around the top, but most are just.... black.

And to make it worse, there are some blue ones in there - very dark blue that have an identical style to some of the black ones, and completely indistinguishable under incandescent lighting, but, once in natural light, show their true colors.

And so I am faced with a choice. I could spend most of Sunday surrounded by a pile of socks, or I can hope for sunshine and the start of sandal season. Looking at the forecast, I don't like the direction this seems to be going. Or how about this - if anybody is free on Sunday, maybe we can have something like an old-fashioned barn-raising party. You know, lemonade, pound cake, and good friends in a circle, sharing stories, laughing and matching up socks. We could even do like a "go fish" kind of game or something. They're all clean, after all.

Any takers?


troyhead said...

You could always buy more. Why take care of doing the laundry when the store has so many clean clothes already? =)

Darryl said...

That raises an interesting point, Troy. I mean, new socks always feel nice, but they are (at least for non-German men) boring. So I find myself torn... I like the feeling, but would rather buy something more interesting if I'm getting new clothes. Maybe the laundry thing would tip it over the balance.

And that reminds me of something else. I have had several of my women friends tell me that, at one point or another, they have chosen to buy new underwear rather than go through the trouble of washing what they had. I have never, ever heard this from a guy. Are we more tolerant to laundry duty? Do we (and I use "we" as loosely as possible) just wear them dirty? Or have we found another solution?

I wonder if I can do polls on here...

troyhead said...

Yes, I have heard of woman-folk who have rid themselves of their entire repertoire of undergarments and started anew. To me, this idea sounds delightful, but hey, it's underwear. Underwear laundry is easy. Who folds that stuff? Dump it all in the dresser and keep washing them until they disintegrate.

Of course, that is my opinion. My wife's viewpoint would greatly differ.