Friday, May 22, 2009


I had the shortest shoot I've ever done last night with Brittany: there was this great wind and, I hoped, a storm brewing, so we decided to go out, find a hill, and see if we could get hit by inspiration and not lightning. I'm pretty happy with how it went, on both fronts. I didn't get the storm clouds I was hoping for, but the wind was so, so fun... except for Britt, who was FREEZING. She was a trooper, though, and hung in long enough to get the shots we were both hoping for.

Here are a few of my favorites!

You can see the rest here.

Monday, May 18, 2009

These Are A Few Of Our Favorite Things

I was getting the little chick ready to spend some time with her grandma. I put on some cologne before we went downstairs, and I guess some must have gotten onto her, because when grandma picked her up, she gave Allison a big hug and said, "oh, you smell good!".

This seemed to be good news to the little chick. "I smell good?" she asked. She stopped for a minute to think, trying to figure out where the smell may have been coming from. Then she realized - it must have been lunch.

"Like hot dogs?" she offered. And then, figuring that if a little is good, more would be better: "Smell my breath" she said, leaning over to share the love a little bit. Grandma said that she didn't think it was exactly like hot dogs, but took a sniff of the breath anyways, just in case.

I thought it was pretty cute. I also found it slightly worrying: if my Jean-Paul Gaultier works for a 4 year-old little girl, is it possible that I am not making the best grooming choices that I could be?

Something to ponder.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


So, operation "build portfolio" coming along well - better, unfortunately, than operation "find day job without oil & gas experience". Oh well. These ones are from a shoot last night with Stela, and feel a little different than most of my other work. I kind of like them.

You can see the rest here. Enjoy!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Doctors Without Cameras

So I had an interesting experience on Saturday... I went to shoot a fashion show put on to raise funds for Doctors Without Borders and also to showcase some local designers. It was fun... but I need a little work on my lighting technique for runway stuff. We didn't get to see the floor with the lights off and spots on until the show, and I made some flash choices that were, in retrospect, not the best I could have made. Oh well! It was good to help them out, and to have the chance to shoot something new. Here are some of the shots that did turn out...

You can see the rest here.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


This is especially for Kat(i)e, who noticed last time when I put Brandon's name on Jordan's pictures. These ones actually are of Brandon, so you can expect the title to be more or less static...

There are a couple more here. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I had a shoot with Victoria last night, and I think we got some good stuff. It's so nice to finally have a bit of warm weather to work in! And we even had a visit from the deer who live in the park...

You can see the rest here.

Monday, May 4, 2009


There are a few that have really stood out to me, lately... one I haven't been able to find in a form that I can share with you here, so I'm going to hold off on telling you about it for now, but a couple of quick ones...

The colon cancer people actually have this as their catchphrase: We're behind your behind. I heard it on the radio and thought it was a joke, but it's the real deal. I think that's brilliant.

And another that was brilliant in a somewhat less intentional way was for a furniture store: "save up to 30% or more!".

Now this has been a pet peeve of mine for a while... seeing a sign in a store saying "Sale - up to 50% off". I might be the only one, but I'm a lot less interested in knowing that, if I go in, I am guaranteed never to be able to save more than 50%... I'd like to know I'm going to get it for at least whatever percent off. If I had my way, all the save "up to" signs would be replaced by save "at least" signs.

But being told that I will save absolutely no more than 30% or I will save more than 30%... well, how can you not trust those guys? I would suggest double-checking when they're ringing things through, though... just in case.

Happy shopping.