Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Crazy Man Builds Pile Outside Of McDonalds

My first attempt at photojournalism. It does not bode well for my Pulitzer aspirations, I'm afraid.

When I was out a couple days ago, I saw this guy coming up to a tree outside a McDonald's in Geneva. He gathered up all the trash in the tree well, and then started to use a pair of scissors to dig through the grate to pull up branches, maybe some roots, and the garbage that was there.

He was frantic, and intense, digging like crazy. And it was cold - everyone around was in a winter coat, and my hands were cold taking these shots, but he was in shorts, a t-shirt, and dress shoes. In the end, he built his pile of trash and sticks, and found a straw to stick in the top like a flag. He then went into the restaurant, was there for about 3 minutes, and came out with a little more garbage. He put that with the rest, and then walked off.

I waited a while for him to come back, but either he didn't or it was after I got too cold to wait any longer. I figured maybe he was going to light it on fire, which is what I would have done, had I taken the trouble of collecting all that stuff on a cold day when I was so inappropriately dressed, but he didn't. I almost lit it on fire for him, but then decided that perhaps one questionable guy hanging around the McD's entrance was enough.

Performance art? Protest? Crazy guy? I have no idea. Pretty interesting, though.

She was pretty much unrelated to the digging-with-scissors guy. But I like the shot, and it was on the same day.

[EDIT] Troy has pointed out that, in fact, my crazy man appears to be a crazy woman. Does that make it better or worse? I don't know, but it goes a long ways towards explaining the lack of fire.