Friday, March 16, 2007

The Demise Of YouTube

It started out as a good day, as most Fridays do. I had some time with Sam and Ollie this morning, and we were joined by my little chick. The sun is shining and I was listening to a really hammering tune by Starfield on the walk to work. I passed half a dozen stunning women a couple blocks from my office (not walking together, but all in a row; perhaps a break in some kind of convention for anti-social but beautiful people?). And so to celebrate the sum total of this good-dayness, I wanted to share with you something that Nat passed along to me a while ago: More Cowbell.

I wanted to put it here for a few reasons. First, it's really, really funny. Second, I had been telling someone about it (Chris?) but I'm not exactly sure now who it was. So I'm hoping that they will stop by here and see it and my poor memory will not entirely stand in the way of my desire to follow up when I promise to email funny things to friends. I think I find this clip especially poignant since, at one point, my band (not the MNB) actually took my cowbell off my kit and hid it. It was a trying time for us, but we're okay now. Of course, we don't see each other any more. Ah, well.

So I went looking on YouTube and, it seems, the only clips they have of this are ones of other people re-enacting it. Say what you want about the quality of SNL (and yes, when they miss, they miss big-time), but I don't care how good/bad the skit is - buddy recording it again in his garage just doesn't have the same impact. So I'm faced with only having a link to a page that you can view it on, and I'm sorry. I wish you could see it right here. But please, don't blame me - blame YouTube, and have a great Friday.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm doing it. I am leaving a comment but mostly because it's your birthday tomorrow. What better way to send a postage-free gift then by overcoming my fear of the blog sight, letting go of all need to be completely clever and setting aside my panic that I may make a grammatical error for goodness knows who to see. Even now I panic. Should I have used commas there? Should it be then or than? Why is it when you're writing something that you think more THAN just your understanding friends will read, all comprehension of the English language goes out the window? Crap, why did I use such a big word? Did I spell it right. WHY DOESN'T THIS THING DO A GRAMMER CHECK AS YOU WRITE???!!!!
Ok, I'm good, I'm ok. I'm just going to slowly back away from this "Leave your comment" box, wish you a wonderful birthday and promise that, now that I have overcome that initial trepidation, I will try to venture back. Did I use trepidation right? Is that even a word?

Anonymous said...

Wait this is brilliant! I'll just never sign my name. HA HA HA HA (diabolical laughter)

Darryl said...

Hooray! I knew you could, and it's a great birthday present. I think your use of trepidation is commendable, and your punctuation makes it easier to understand what you've written, which is not always the case. Your personality also comes through loud and clear, and I didn't have to wonder who it was (and you can take that as a compliment). Hopefully now that you've tested the waters you'll find it a less intimidating and, dare I even suggest is, fun thing to do.

Oh, and Troy - if you nit-pick this you're in big trouble. She's the timid type - like a fawn, silent and tentative - and I don't want you scaring her away. I'm watching you. *making "I see you" gesture*

troyhead said...

Me? Nit pick? Even as I was reading her post I was thinking "Oh my... Darryl is so particular about comma usage. Especially comma over-usage. I hope she is using just the right amount of punctuation."

I wanted to mention that I wasn't in the band when the cowbell was stolen. I was kicked out of the band by then. Although, later on myself and the other members of Radiation King occasionally contemplated conspiring to hide the china cymbal. We were going to cleverly replace it with a pie plate.

Happy B'day!

Darryl said...

Oh man, I can't even BEGIN to tell you how much I miss my China cymbal. It's in the basement, and I have nowhere to play it. But it's gorgeous. And the logo would make a fabulous tattoo...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, bud. I'll eat your piece of cake!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying Starfield. Check out their video diary's on their website. These guys all have a good sense of humour which I think you'll appreciate. Try to find the one about the giant blueberry.
I wish I would have pulled out my SNL-Best of Will Ferrell DVD at Christmas. You could have enjoyed the cowbell skit amongst some other pee-your-pants clips. You know they sell t-shirts that say "More Cowbell". Check it out

Darryl said...

I'll take a look at their video journal, but I'm not sure... sometimes I like music more before I really see who's behind it. Though sometimes I like it way more after I see more of the person. In any case, it can be a bit of a risky proposition. As for the t-shirts.... that would be cool. It would match my tattoo.