Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Walk This Way (Part I)

I have a lot of rhythm. That can be a good thing... when I'm drumming with a group like my MNB where everyone has good time, it's a very good thing. When I'm sitting on a plane wanting desperately to be playing my drums, my bass... ANYTHING to get out the music that's in me, it's a marginally less good thing. When I'm drumming with someone who has trouble with the whole "count to four" thing, it's actually pretty annoying.

But when it's really like the little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead* is when I'm walking.

If I get the right song on, I am unstoppable. I am Mick Jagger. I am Henry Rollins. I am David Bowie. It may be a strut, it may be a saunter, it may be a prowl, but when the rhythm is there my feet take on a life of their own and I am just along for the ride.

But then some songs are just a little too quick or a little too slow. I start out walking to the rhythm (because, try as I might, I can't help it) but before long my natural walking speed just has to make itself known. And then it all falls apart. My arms won't move. I trip over shadows. I stumble and limp and generally just scare children and old people. Even if it's a song I love, if it's not the right speed for walking, I have to pass. I don't care when I'm running, and am content to let my legs and my music work separately, but when I'm walking, it has to match up.

And so I was really surprised last week when I put Corinne Bailey Ray onto my stereo from my mp3 player. I never got more than 5 seconds into the album in the time that I've had it, because it's crap for walking. But it's perfect for a party... groovy, spacious, sexy... really, really nice. What else have I missed out on because it's not right to walk to?

So I'm going to have to compile a list of my favorite songs to walk with. Watch this space. And if you have some that work for you, I'd love to hear about them.

* When she was good, she was very, very good; but when she was bad, she was horrid.

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