Monday, February 12, 2007

I've Decided

I had tried leaving it open for a few years, but I think I have come to the point of reaching a firm decision. I don't think that rock climbing is going to be for me. I'm not opposed to other people doing it, and I don't find the thought particularly scary, but I'm just not interested. It's been weighing on me, and I'm glad to have reached a little internal resolution about it.

Other things I still want to do: skydive, swim with sharks (but the cheating way, in a cage), explore Hong Kong, get custom-made shoes, see Run DMC, learn to surf

Other things that are just not looking like they're going to make the list: base jumping, bungee jumping, owning an apple product, getting a piercing

Still undecided on: skiing. I've been pretty happy not doing it, but will likely pick it up again in order to let my little chick learn


Anonymous said...

Hi Darryl!
Interestingly I came to the same conclusions last year when I got to Geneva!
I was suddenly struck by the realization that being away from mom and dad, meant that I was free to do whatever I pleased without their knowledge! (have i mentioned that i have overprotective parents before?) So what they wouldn't know wouldn't hurt them. Right? -evil grin- Therefore all the dangerous things
(to which I refer to as adventurous btw, "dangerous" has a rather unnecessarily dark connotation to it...)
I've been wanting to do for years, I could now do!!
No more need to back-off of things I like out of concern for my mother's suddenly rather pale-green complexion at mentioning the words "bungee" and "jumping" in the same sentence! My list was long: surfing, rock climbing, snowboard jumps, sky diving, delta wing flying, open water diving, swimming with sharks (in cage), bungee-jumping, etc…
But I came to the conclusion that some things just weren't worth the potential risks: bungee-jumping, delta wing flying, rock climbing (because of my arachnophobia...) and others. However I am now a certified open water diver! So that's one dream come true. With 60% approval from my folks no less (=
So I'm 100% with you on your decision D (-; If you don't like it. Don't do it!
Though I've also decided that one day I will learn how to do flips on a snowboard and how to jump out of an airplane. With a chute on of course. Maybe do flips while jumping out of an airplane? The possibilities are endless!

Darryl said...

Snowboarding is cool, but it hurts. Good on ya if you can get it happening, though...