Sunday, February 18, 2007

Question Of The Day

What is the shelf-life of shampoo? Anyone?


troyhead said...

As discussed in one of your previous posts, I checked the Internet to settle this question. According to this source, it should last for years.

Why do you ask? Did you find some bargain-basement deals on shampoo? Or has yours started to smell funny? =)

Anonymous said...

Please don't tell me you've been making gastronomical expirements with shampoo as a cream substitute.
I think I'll be more carefull from now when you give offer us food on Mondays... Maybe we've been guinea pigs all along!! Maybe that would explain why I accepted to cover Shania Twain. What was WRONG with me??
But seriously: shampoo and derivates should last for a long long time. On the other hand: gels cease to be as effective after a relatively short while.

Darryl said...

They have that on the interweb? That's crazy. Next you're going to tell me I can download illegal music free of charge! Ha!

And, Caro, here's the thing... for a while I was traveling regularly and staying in hotels that had really good shampoo and soap. So I started bringing it home. Yeah, I know - it's just like someone's grandma would do, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Only now, I'm wondering how long it will last. Honestly, I haven't paid for shampoo for probably five years. I don't know if I could bring myself to pay for it again. It could be a problem.

veronneca said...

Hey Darryl, i saw the Yellow Couch while browsing thru the blogger's at random and I found your entry very interesting..

I'm no expert at blogging myself! And i haven't done anything at all to get friends or anybody to read my blogs. But yeah, would like to hear your sharing on how you get things done, if you dont mind.

BTW, rgd ur question on shampoos shelf life... my hair dresser once told me that the shampoo company will not print the expiry dates on the bottles (like the ones they have on can food) but the quality of shampoos that has not been used/opened for more than 5 years, is probably not as good and effective as the new ones ;) hahaha... this shampoo thingy is freaking me out... do i sound like a hair stylist now :P

Darryl said...

Okay, so between the internet and Veronneca's hairdresser, I should be okay for a little while yet. Of course, I am going to come back to you guys if something nasty happens and it all falls out or something. Actually, that would give me the perfect opportunity to get the globe tattoo on my head that I've always dreamed of. It would be great for getting my head rubbed... "yeah, just by Figi... west... west... west-north-west... oooohhhh, that's the spot"

In any case, I'm glad you enjoy it, Veronneca. I do want to look into how to publicize it a little more, and if I find any decent tips I'll post them...