Saturday, February 10, 2007

Swiffer Me

I was talking to a friend recently and said that I rarely dream... that I have maybe one dream that I can recall every few months. A couple have turned out to be prescient (or, rather, the same one multiple times), but that's a topic for a whole other post.

Anyway, I've had two dreams in the last week. In one last night, someone was looking around my apartment and saying that it was nice enough, but just not really quite clean. And, sadly, I have to agree. It's been too long since I've really gotten the industrial-strength stuff out and made everything shine. So, today I will clean. And I will have a band practice. And I will do the flyer for our church ski retreat. It's going to be a good day, I think.

Oh, and if the sun actually comes out and the light is decent enough, I hope to get a picture of the real yellow couch to include on this page. Yeah, that would be cool.

[EDIT] Oh, and I know... you just finished reading this and now you're thinking, that's not funny. And it's not insightful. And there aren't even any pictures. Why did he bother to post that? Well, here's the thing. I firmly believe that if I don't at least have some mundane details about my everyday life this ceases to be a blog and becomes a column or something.

But, since I don't want you to be too disappointed that you logged on, here's a picture. It's my friend Fabrice who had his quitting party at work yesterday. It's from a day last summer when we were at the Hotel du Lac in Lugano, and the keyboard player you can see over his shoulder was playing the worst elevator music I have ever heard.Yeah, the music was terrible, but he's a lovely guy, and I hope that his future job turns out to be great.


Anonymous said...

I've got a funny picture of your yellow couch on my blog. =)


Darryl said...

Oh man, oh man... that is beautiful. I had forgotten about that one, but that's just a great shot. I also didn't know about your blog at all... thought it was star-b (though there is suspiciously little activity there). Hmmmm. I'll fix the link.

It's also funny/interesting/unsettling that we used the same template. Whoops.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't write in my blog a lot. Shara does a ton, but I write.... infrequently. That's why I mentioned that it's so great that you write so often.

Maybe one of these days I will start posting on a more regular basis. I was told that it was usually enjoyable, but I think most people have given up on me writing anything new.

Darryl said...

Well, I haven't given up. I have an inordinate amount of belief in the strength of the human spirit, and yours in particular, so keep writing! The masses demand to be entertained...