Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Dangers Of Self-Medicating

Today, I squirted eye drops up my nose.

It was bound to happen eventually, I guess. I've had a cold for a while, and while it hasn't been too bad in my throat or chest, I'm dealing with a lot of congestion that I would rather not deal with. I reached for what I thought was a bottle of Otrivin, wandered off to a place where I could use it as directed without losing friends or facing ridicule around the office. When I squirted and snorted, though (and yes, now would be an appropriate time for you to stop and picture that happening), I realized that something was wrong. None of that nasty Otrivin-y flavour in the back of my throat, and certainly nothing that would hint at a lessening of the Manhattan-at-rush-hour kind of congestion in my sinuses.

It could have been worse, I guess. I would rather not think about what Otrivin in my eyes would feel like. I'm not sure, but I can't picture it being good. So this was a wake-up call for me; from now on, I will positively identify anything that I intend to squirt into my body and then double-check to be sure I have the correct orifice lined up. Take a lesson, kids, and don't let this happen to you.


Anonymous said...

LOL!!! No offence Darryl. But this has GOT to be in your top 7 classic-cartoon-moments of your life. Any effects at all after that? lol...

Darryl said...

Yeah, well, let's just say that I don't think my eyes will be dry for a while...