Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I Got It Again Tonight

"I know someone who looks just like you!"

Well, at least it's "looks", not "is". I can deal with that, and it was in the context of someone else who looked just like someone else. So, not out of the blue. At least that way I can imagine that maybe it was just something to keep the conversation lively. Or, maybe my twin's really are out there. I didn't ask where, though. Got to save something for the next conversation, right?

I also got: "Nice jacket - very stylish"

Thanks, it's new. I'm pretty happy with it.

"Yeah, you're looking good. Now you just need a mask."

So, if anyone has a good source for masks online (is it wise to buy without trying them on?), apparently I'm in the market. I'm thinking something Nixon-esque may give me the kind of rugged, commanding presence I want. Or Mr. T. I think that's why I'll need to try them on before really deciding. That and to know if, should my nasal passages ever become clear again, I could breathe comfortably through my nose while wearing it.

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