Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Clean Air Gnome

A gnome on an air purifier, of course. Which begs the question: how freaked out are you willing to be in order to have your air a little bit cleaner? I don't know about you, but for me, the answer is "not nearly this much". And what, exactly, is he holding? A bucket of clean air? Perhaps all of the pollen he's proudly collected? Maybe it's just the souls of little children. Who knows...

Taken with my phone through a tinted shop window, hence the fabulous quality. But I think the object itself rises well above any slight photographic imperfections.


Anonymous said...

It looks like one of those travelocity gnomes... maybe The Amazing Race is in your area and someone in the race may win a free trip if they find it. And you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. My wife likes reality TV. And apparently the advertising works.

FYI: Gnomes don't belong in any orifice.

Darryl said...

*removing gnome*

Right you are!

Anonymous said...

I like how you respond to all comments, no matter how ridiculous they are. =)

Darryl said...

There are no ridiculous comments, only ridiculous... uh, actually, never mind.

Oh, and I do know the amazing race, and, I will state even though people (3) may read this, I like it. I have watched it in the past, and I would watch it again. I feel a little bit sorry for the people in it, but not quite sorry enough not to watch.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.