Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Where Have You Been All My Life?

I've compiled some of the searches that have led people here. I'm not sure which is more surprising... what people are searching for, or that Google decided to send them my way...

Yellow Couch (google.com) - okay, this one is less of a surprise on the second point.

Natterhorn Blog (Windows Live) - oddly enough, my page is the only result. Nat's actual blog is not listed in the search results. *scratches head*

"grafitti lugano" (google.ch) - I could be wrong, but I'm guessing this is not going to show up in the top 100 searches any time soon. Once again, my page is the only one that Google has to offer if that's what you're looking for.

Creme brulee temper eggs (google.nl) - someone looking for a fight and some dessert at the same time. And, really - who can blame them?

movie monestary sound february (google.com) - if you run this again, my blog doesn't even come up any more. The "February" part is pretty interesting, though.

"Darryl Delamont" (google.ch) - surprise: it's me.

ugly in cradle pretty to table saying (google.com) - this is another, "how many people could be looking for that?" kind of search. And the answer seems to be, at least one.

yellow country kitchen couch (google.com) - I can't help but think my page was really not what they were looking for.

otrivin in my eyes (google.com) - two words: ouch.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, always a worry how people come to you. I happen to have the phrase "pink nipples" in one of my pages, and it's consistently up there as one of the most common searches used to get to my site.

I bet they're all disappointed once they find it doesn't transfer them straight to a photo of the kind of barely-clad, well endowed young hottie they were intending.

Darryl said...

Well, Troy, thanks to you I now have "pink nipples" on my site, too. Hooray! Race you to the most-disappointed-viewers line!

troyhead said...

How do you find out your referring sites on blogger?

Darryl said...

Well, other Troy, it's actually not on blogger - it's from www.sitemeter.com, which you can set up to track visits to your page. Enjoy!

troyhead said...

Do I have to be the other Troy? According to Korey, you add the prefix "other" as you subsequently meet more people with the same name. For example, Korey met me first, then Darren, and then Jason. So I was "Bierman", then came "the other Bierman" (Darren), and finally "the other, other Bierman" (Jason). Therefore, I would appreciate it if you referred to the person who left the first comment to this post as "the other Troy".


Darryl said...

Fair enough. If only I had shown the same sensitivity to you that I did when christening Science Nathan and British Nathan. I briefly toyed with the idea of referring to you both as the other Troy, but that got old remarkably quickly, even for me. So, I need to think of nicknames, and that is a serious enough task that I believe I will sleep on it.

Anonymous said...

To 'other Troy': If you want to take a number on being, say, 'the original and the best Troy', then I'm quite happy taking the leftover 'Other other Troy' or 'Johnny-come-lately Troy'. 'Sloppy seconds Troy' may be taking it a bit far though.

It's a bit weird contemplating this because I'm not used to running into that many other Troys...

Darryl said...

I'm tempted to try names based on how I got to know each of you: Bouncy Troy for the one who bobs a bit when rocking out on his bass, and All-In Troy for the one who, like me, seems fated to make a big and rarely successful move when the blinds are eating away at his chip stack. But it still doesn't feel quite as natural as with the Nathans.

Do either of you have nicknames already?