Sunday, April 29, 2007

Y2K And Saturday Afternoon Pictures

First, thanks for coming and reading. Or, at least, looking at the pictures. The Yellow Couch had its 2000th visitor this week, yet remains in remarkably good shape.

I decided to go out and see if I could get a bit of a sunburn yesterday. I don't think I quite pulled it off, but I did get some pictures, and some that are more design/architectural than I had been for a while. Still a lot of flowers, but part of that could be that I was walking in the botanical gardens.

You can see them here.


AEP&J said...

From what I observed yesterday, and from an Englishman's perspective, your arms looked positively bronzed (in a lobster kind of way).

Darryl said...

Um, yeah. I thought they were okay after I got home, but found out the next day that they are, indeed, a bit tender. I've certainly had worse, but I do feel a bit "English at the seaside" now...