Monday, April 2, 2007

Prayer, Part I

I have always wondered about prayer - to me, it is one of the greatest mysteries of a life of faith. It seems to have the potential for such greatness (and, for some, reaches that level) but, for most of us, remains difficult, disappointing, and rather confusing. I have learned a lot about this over the last year, both in my experience and in study, and decided to lead some discussions on the topic for a group at my church over the next couple of months.

So tonight, as I work on the final preparations for the first talk tomorrow, here's what I find going through my mind:
  • Why did I ever think this was a good idea?
  • More to the point, why did I think I should be the one doing it?
  • How in the world am I supposed to fit everything that should be said into four 1-hour sessions?!?
  • How am I supposed to figure out everything that should be said in the first place?
It seems so... big. And difficult. And, honestly, a long ways beyond me. Most of the time, I tend to talk about things that have been a puzzle for me, topics that have been troubling me and that I have wanted to dive in and gain some certainty (or at least a better perspective) on, and then I am able to share both the process and the discoveries I have made with the people around me. But this seems different.

Even after a lot of study, I still feel like I have more questions than answers. And if I don't know the truth, it will be hard for me to present much of value. What I know I don't want is to be the blind man pretending that he is capable of actually being a guide... and ending up dragging someone into a hole with me as I fall. So, somewhat ironically, I will be praying that I am able to talk about prayer in a way that honors God and is in keeping with the truth.

I'll report back on Wednesday...


Anonymous said...

Don't sweat it my brother. The best discussions happen when you don't have all the answers and, well, anyone who's delved beneath the surface of their beliefs knows there are not a whole lot of answers to a whole lot of questions. Just a whole lot of opinions. At the end of the day we are saved through Christ's blood which allows us to communicate with the creator of the Universe who cares about the simplest desires of our hearts whether we feel He's listening or not. Ummm but that's just my opinion. Gosh it really is hard to get away from trying to have all the answers isn't it?

Darryl said...

It is. But thanks for the encouragement... we'll see how it goes...

Anonymous said...

You'll be fine! You're there to open there minds, to get them thinking and hopefully to inspire them to ask questions themselves. You'll discover new things as you go along. And I'm sure that everything will pretty much flow quite naturally as you go along. It's the start that can be difficult, but after that you'll enjoy it! Kind of like band practice, right? don't answer that... (=

Darryl said...

Thanks, Caro. I guess if there's one thing I can be sure of, it's that there will be questions! But hopefully not me singing flat.

Anonymous said...

You never sing flat Darryl. Like the rest of us you just wave to say hello at the beginning, and then it's all smooth and harmoniously on pitch all the way to the end (= btw: thanks for the Ozzy! Love it!

Darryl said...

"you never sing flat, you just wave to say hello at the beginning". That is the first time I heard that, but believe, me, I will use it again (likely in my own defense). It may not be true, but it's generous...