Thursday, April 30, 2009


I had a shoot with Stephanie this evening, and it was the first time I've ever really approached photography with an artistic direction other than taking nice pictures. I mean, I usually hope for something more than "nice", but you know what I mean - I've never tried to make the pictures anything other than what was there.

Stephanie was open to suggestions, though, and so we talked about it and I suggested something in the vein of Dior in a Ralph Lauren setting... a lot of contrast between the clothes, the vibe of the shots, and the setting. She was game, and was willing to go looking for clothes (and did a fantastic job finding the dresses to fit what I described to her), and I found the location and.... this is what we came up with.

The shot above, for me, captures what I wanted more than any of the others.

Yeah, I know fashion is supposed to be about the clothes. But, if you're familiar with my pictures, it's no surprise to you that I had to get at least a couple of her face...

I'm pretty happy with how it went. I hope you enjoy them - if you want, you can see the rest of the set here.


Anonymous said...

For my money the next to last one in the set here is by far the best. Looks like a film still. Could write a whole story around it. Wonderful! I hope you keep going with this editorial style work.

Darryl said...

Thanks, Dandy! I had a lot of fun. Well, actually, I think that getting home and seeing the images was even more fun then shooting them ("we made THAT?!?"), but whether or not I focus on this type of photography long term, I want to be able to bring these influences in when I need them.

I need to figure out what's going on in this city and get out and shoot some more sports, too. Oh, I like making pictures!

Anonymous said...

Do you follow the blogs of The Satorialist or Garance Dore? May find inspiration there as well.

Also - why the move back to Canada? How has the adjustment been? I ask because I have actually been living with my parents in St. Louis for almost a year now ( was ill) and find it both challenging (though I am not "from" here) and centering.

Darryl said...

Well, that's a big question... the short version is, I moved back so that I could be with the little chick. The transition? Challenging, I guess.

I will say this much, though... it is SO nice to be able to just speak to people in English. I really, really love that...

Anonymous said...

Pretty freaking professional. Great work!

Isn´t that the same place you did snow shoots of your brother last Christmas?

Darryl said...

WOW - good eye, C! I barely recognized it without the snow... and I was the one who was there!