Stephanie was open to suggestions, though, and so we talked about it and I suggested something in the vein of Dior in a Ralph Lauren setting... a lot of contrast between the clothes, the vibe of the shots, and the setting. She was game, and was willing to go looking for clothes (and did a fantastic job finding the dresses to fit what I described to her), and I found the location and.... this is what we came up with.
The shot above, for me, captures what I wanted more than any of the others.
Yeah, I know fashion is supposed to be about the clothes. But, if you're familiar with my pictures, it's no surprise to you that I had to get at least a couple of her face...
I'm pretty happy with how it went. I hope you enjoy them - if you want, you can see the rest of the set here.
For my money the next to last one in the set here is by far the best. Looks like a film still. Could write a whole story around it. Wonderful! I hope you keep going with this editorial style work.
Thanks, Dandy! I had a lot of fun. Well, actually, I think that getting home and seeing the images was even more fun then shooting them ("we made THAT?!?"), but whether or not I focus on this type of photography long term, I want to be able to bring these influences in when I need them.
I need to figure out what's going on in this city and get out and shoot some more sports, too. Oh, I like making pictures!
Do you follow the blogs of The Satorialist or Garance Dore? May find inspiration there as well.
Also - why the move back to Canada? How has the adjustment been? I ask because I have actually been living with my parents in St. Louis for almost a year now ( was ill) and find it both challenging (though I am not "from" here) and centering.
Well, that's a big question... the short version is, I moved back so that I could be with the little chick. The transition? Challenging, I guess.
I will say this much, though... it is SO nice to be able to just speak to people in English. I really, really love that...
Pretty freaking professional. Great work!
Isn´t that the same place you did snow shoots of your brother last Christmas?
WOW - good eye, C! I barely recognized it without the snow... and I was the one who was there!
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