Saturday, January 13, 2007

Leather Vest

While I was at the Clapton concert this summer, I had the most frustrating camera moment ever... my battery died. I was in the front but didn't get a single picture of EC.

But even worse, there was a guy there I desperately wanted to get a shot of. Probably in his mid-late 30's, average build, dark hair, and (if I remember, and I think I do) a moustache. But here's the great part... he was wearing a leather vest with nothing underneath it... and SHORTS.

First of all, if you're not on the stage, leather vest + no shirt = vvbi (very, very bad idea). But even when we get down to the percentage of society who believe that this is something that will be flattering for them to wear in public, how do the shorts fit in? I kept telling myself, "he must be drunk, he must be drunk, he must be drunk..." just to be ale to retain some sense of faith in humanity.

And man, I wish I could have gotten a picture!

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