Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Admit It

I have tried to pretend it's not true, or not really completely true, but I'm tired of lying to myself. It's time to come clean.

I like TV.

And I like reality shows.

I don't know what it is... maybe the lack of drama (and no, that's not a complaint) in my own relationships. Maybe I choose too many civil people to be friends with. But there is something about looking in on the really bizarre lives of some of these people who choose to put themselves into the public eye that I just can't get away from. I like Survivor and the Amazing Race... watching relationships develop and change or sometimes fall apart. I like American Idol (though mostly only the first few episodes of each season, where there is guaranteed to be at least one person shaking a finger around, saying "you don't know me! you can't judge me! you think I can't sing, but I can sing, and if you can't see that, then you can just..." and it goes on from there.

But I have a new favorite. It's called Blush - The Search for America's Next Top Makeup Artist.

Now some of you at this point (not naming names, British Nathan) probably think I'm making this up. But I'm not. I like what they do - some of them do some really great work - and I like watching the photography side of it. But what I really love is how completely removed it is from anything I've ever experienced before.

There was one straight man on it, but he's gone, and so now it is so incredibly camp, over the top, and terribly, terribly dramatic that I just can't stop watching. I have a feeling that more than a few minutes with any of the remaining hopefuls would be too much for me, but on TV, where I can mute them if it's too much, or go hunting for a hockey game, it's just about perfect.

Very, very fun.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Photo Shoot

The little chick and I were hanging out in the car for a bit today, and to kill the time, we decided to take some pictures.

It snowed here... again. Which kind of sucks, because I'm ready for some more warm weather. But it's kind of good because I got some good winter-ish pictures that I hadn't had a chance to make before. I'll get them up soon...

But for now, here are some of my favorites from today. Enjoy!

Grumpy face

The one that always follows grumpy face

She wasn't bored. She just likes to look out the window sometimes.

While I was trying to explain why she probably couldn't hold my 8-pound camera...

My little girl, the way I usually see her.

You can see the others here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Boat

I saw a guy on TV wearing a sport jacket. Most of my clothes are still on the boat.

I miss them.

I'm Over Here

The little chick and I have been playing a lot of hide and seek lately. It's been an interesting experience for me... I don't remember playing a lot of hide and seek, but I'm pretty sure I don't remember ever playing it like this.

She is pretty good at the counting, but not great at closing her eyes... not a surprise for a three year-old. She has a habit of hiding in the exact place that she just found me. But I think that part of it is that she doesn't care much about the surprise aspect of it, because pretty frequently when it's my turn to hide she likes to tell me where I should be hiding.

Of course, I don't worry too much about that. And she always finds me, eventually.

She does get bored sometimes, and can kind of forget that I'm hiding somewhere as she finds a book or a toy that takes a little higher priority. That's pretty par for the course, too, with a little chick.

The best part, though, is the goal of the game for her. For most people, it's to find whoever is hiding, or to stay hiding. For her, it's all about the hugs at the end.

So she's not very discreet when she's hidden, but I play the game: I walk around the house, asking where she is, looking into drawers or under cushions, while she "hides". She'll start in the closet, and poke her head out to see if I've spotted her. When I walk by, she'll jump back in, then put her head out again and yell "Daddy, I'm over here!!!". Then she'll be back in the closet for a minute, then out again completely, as I routinely fail completely to find her, even with her hint. Finally, she'll be unable to hold it in any longer, and will jump out, hop around, and call me until I manage to find my way back to her to give her a giant hug.

So the hiding part is a bit sketchy. The seeking is not much better.

But the hugs are pretty great.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Best Stuff

Caro, please don't tell.

I was in the grocery store yesterday and there was a Dido song playing, and I was thinking to myself, "this is certainly not one of the best songs ever written". A couple days before that, Boys of Summer had been playing as I was being electrocuted in the physiotherapist's office, and I had the exact opposite thought.

So, I think it's time to talk about some of the best stuff. Feel free to pitch in.

Best Songs (at the moment....)
Boys of Summer (Don Henley)
I Hope You Dance (Lee Ann Womack with a great backing band)
most of the Pornografitti album (Extreme)
With or Without You, Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking for, Where the Streets Have No Name (U2)
Anything that doesn't have Sean Paul in it

Best Band Names
Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch (thanks to Erin for the reminder)
Monday Night Band

Best Delivery of the Word "Tea?" (as an invitation)
British Nathan

Best Foods
Nat's trifle
Anything deep-fried

Best Sound
The little chick's laugh

Best Articles of Clothing
Depends heavily on the situation, but, in general, a great pair of jeans
Big Red Coat

Best Tire
Front driver's side

Best Picture
The next one...

More to come. Hope you're all well!