Thursday, January 10, 2008

Traveling Man

Well, I'm home again, but just barely. I got back on Saturday, and head out again tomorrow morning to be working in the US for a couple of weeks. I've been more or less on Calgary time since getting here, so it won't be too hard to re-adjust, I hope. Packing is easier, since I'm not quite completely unpacked yet. Hooray.

I've spent the day with an also jet-lagged little chick... she wasn't around on Monday, so I took today off instead, and when she gets it, I can see a bit of a family resemblance: she gets a little weepy, isn't quite sure what she wants to eat, and wants a lot of cuddling. Thankfully, all things we can deal with. I think that "Hug!" was the word that she said the most today, and I figure that for a two year-old, that's not too bad.

The reason I thought of writing this (besides the fact that it's been way too long and I need to get in the groove of posting again) is because I saw a really interesting guy on the train. He was talking animatedly to the man next to him, gesticulating all over the place, and they were both laughing. Then (I guessed - I was listening to the new Carrie Underwood album) his phone rang. And he had the coolest case on it... it looked like a wooden, fold-up measuring stick, what they use here instead of tape measures. He talked some then put it away. Then it went again. And again.

And again.

And, eventually, I realized that it wasn't a phone camouflaged as a measuring stick. It was a measuring stick.

And he was crazy.

Still, he was fun to watch. And I couldn't help but wonder if train isn't, perhaps, the perfect form of travel - at least in Switzerland. I mean, when you drive, you never get to see crazy people. Either that or, if you happen to be related to one, you see a little too much of them. On the plane, there are far fewer than on the train; or maybe it's just my Geneva-Lugano route - it could be that if I was flying NY-San Fran I would meet a few of the more interesting kind.

So, I'm off tomorrow morning. In seat 24c. And I'm hoping to get someone with an imaginary cell phone in 24a, mostly just cause I can't imagine how the attendants would handle it...


Anonymous said...

Darryl, you're going to be really sorry I'm back. You very easily could have split this entry into 2 - it would have gotten you closer to your goal. Golden opportunity missed, my son! About the family resemblance, did you have anyone in mind about the little weepy part or am I not on the right track? Remember, the dots need to be really close these days, honey!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, working on 29 different dimensions! A golden opportunity to be sure. (-;

Darryl said...

Mom, if it's any consolation, I wasn't thinking particularly about the weepy part, and wasn't just thinking about you. So don't worry, you're getting the dots okay.

And yes, Neil Clark Warren, it is. If only my opportunities didn't usually seemed to be tied so closely to jet-lag.

troyhead said...

You said "gesticulating", and for that I am glad.