Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rome Pictures - Couples

Well, I'm back, and the parents and I both survived our Roman adventure. I'll write more in the coming days, but just wanted to get a first set of pictures up for you. It's such a beautiful, romantic city, and so one of the things that I noticed a lot of were couples interacting. I have quite a few pictures that I'll be getting up over the next few weeks, but this will at least get you started...

If you squint just right, their faces almost go together to form one single (though slightly cubist) face. I like that.

No, it's not fair, but that's just the way it goes.

You can see the rest here. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Great photos. I just love how this feeling of relief that I'm single comes welling up within me.

Darryl said...

Lol... well, I did get some that would make anyone feel pretty relieved at not being part of what they had going on...