Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Where Are You?

It's interesting seeing how some of the demographics of people visiting TYC changes over time. For a while, Mac users were almost half of the visitors. Lately, they're down to 15%. Directly related to me not posting enough pictures? You be the judge.

Anyways, Canada and Switzerland have usually been about equal in terms of their percentage, but that seems to be shifting:

I'm not sure how to take this. Am I losing my Swiss appeal? Gaining momentum before my move back to the Great White North? Not talking enough about cheese?

Oh, and if you're reading from Italy - can I come and visit you?


Anonymous said...

15%??? What's wrong fellow mac comrades? We have to change this. I personally blame it on the disappearance of Graffiti day.

troyhead said...

Bring back Graffiti day!